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"Not only is Michigan Works! Southeast extremely helpful by letting us partner with them, and use their facilities to interview candidates, they also spread the word throughout the community.  By Michigan Works! Southeast posting our job openings on their Facebook and Twitter accounts, we receive a larger flow of interested applicants.  Anytime that I have been on site as an "Employer of the Day", the employees have been successful with promoting our company to anyone who happens to walk into their location that day."

Michigan Works! Southeast has enjoyed assisting Continental Services with their hiring needs.  By e-blasting out their job orders to our customers and referring candidates, they have been able to take the next step and interact one-on-one with potential employees. 

Their true success in finding the talent they needed was when they started coming into our service center as our "Employer of the Day". We then expanded the services to them to utilize our conference rooms to conduct more one-on-one interviews.  They have come into our center many times and seem to have an excellent turn out.

The result of the services Continental received, provided them with a larger candidate flow and added opportunities to hire qualified individuals by speaking with each, one-on-one, instead of reviewing just a resume.