June 18, 2016

Michigan Works! Hiring Blitz a Great Success

With over 180 Job Seekers and 34 employers in attendance at our first annual Hiring Blitz Event, we are ecstatic with the success of this event! The first annual Hiring Blitz Event was held on Friday June, 17th from 9:00am-1:00pm in the Jackson, Hillsdale and Lenawee Service Centers. The traffic […]
July 11, 2016

Local High School Students Begin Working on Business Challenges

iChallengeU is a two week program in which high school students work with area teachers and civic, corporate and community leaders to develop a solution to a challenge posed by the community leaders.  This summer’s program will operate for two weeks, July 11-22, 2016.  Each team of students and teacher/leader […]
August 14, 2016

“Employer of the Day” Gets Results

 Michigan Works! Southeast has enjoyed assisting Continental Services with their hiring needs.  By e-blasting out their job orders to our customers and referring candidates, they have been able to take the next step and interact one-on-one with potential employees.  Their true success in finding the talent they needed was when […]
December 1, 2016

Western Career Prep High School Wins “Reach Hire” Award Sponsored by MWSE

The Jackson County Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce that Western Career Prep High School has won the 2016 Reach HIRE Award, sponsored by Michigan Works Southeast. The Reach HIRE award honors an individual or organization that has displayed an extraordinary commitment to developing today’s workforce to support the […]